Hey bloggers! So this is off topic for this blog, but I wanted to share this experience.
I recently graduated 8th grader which means I have completed my junior high career. These years have touched me in ways that no one could understand unless you've been through junior high and had the fun I had and did the things I did. These 2 years opened my eyes to new hobbies, new opportunities, and plenty of new people. Junior high wasn't all fun and games, but that was part of the experience. Going through the rough patches brought us all closer. Finding who you are is also all a part of this lovely thing we call junior high. I found that sports and makeup is where I am most comfortable. I meet amazing people who share the same passion as me. By having common interests with people, you meet friends that will be with you for a life time. A lot of girls in junior high claim to have best friends, and they are only friends for a month, but when you figure out that you can find a person you have a lot in common with that person(s) will be there for a while.
In short, cherish the memories. Don't take any moment for granted, and try to remember as much as you can because when you're old, and you're sitting on the porch talking to your grandchildren, you'll want to be able to share this amazing period of time.
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